About Us

Welcome to Above and Beyond Roofing & Construction. (aboveandbeyondroofs.com) We are Lincoln roofers doing the highest quality roofing and home improvements in Lincoln, Ne. and all of its  surrounding areas. We are dedicated to getting the job done right the first time, which saves everyone involved, time, money and lots of frustration.We'll help you shoulder the load. At Above and Beyond we deliver the muscle of a national player with the service of a local partner. Which means a lot of major resources for you and all of the attention to the minor details. Located in the capitol city of Lincoln, Nebraska we focus on providing outstanding service combined with the highest quality products,to give you the very best project available on the market today! We do a lot of roofing and home improvements in Lincoln,Ne.and the surrounding areas. We are one of the best Roofing and Home Improvement Contractors in this area. We have been providing the best work possible for all of our customers since 1981. We can repair or replace your roof and much more. We also build and repair decks, are a full service painting and handyman company serving lincoln, nebraska and all its surrounding areas.We're behind you every step of the way,before, during and long after the sale.Check out our single source guarantee... for your ultimate peace of mind.

After looking at our web-site if you have any additional questions, require further information, need an inspection,or would like to book a


contact us at: 

 (402) 326-6765 

Tele-copier (402) 467-5682

Ask about our workmanship (labor) warranty!

It's the best in the industry!