Cool & Collected Antiques in Lincoln
On July 30 at 3:20 PM
Looking for something colorful and retro! Check out the bright, fun, colors of the blendo glass. #CoolAndCollectedAntiques #CoolCollectedAntique #VintageLNK

Cool & Collected Antiques in Lincoln
On July 24 at 12:49 PM
We've Expanded, come check out the new space! Beautiful primitives, hand painted furniture, and so much more. Cool and Collected is an antique mall with approximately 45 vendors.

Cool & Collected Antiques in Lincoln
On June 29 at 7:38 AM
We are in the process of expanding the shop, adding more square footage to the store. The dealers are not fulling moved into the space but here is a look at one of the new displays. We have over 40 dealers in the mall so stop on by and check it all out.

Cool & Collected Antiques in Lincoln
On February 02 at 4:12 PM
We have a selection of vintage women's clothing, from casual to semi-formal.

Cool & Collected Antiques in Lincoln
On February 02 at 4:12 PM
It may not be the farmer in the dell, but take a look at these overalls from the 1940's! These have a lot of character.

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