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New kitchen gadget that peels garlic without all the mess of traditional methods. The product itself looks like a miniature crystal jelly dish your grandmother would have in the cupboard— except it's squishy like a jellyfish, and peels garlic incredibly well.

For years we've known that garlic is somehow healthy for us— but did you know that its in fact an excellent source of potassium and has zero grams of fat, zero sugar and zero sodium?  An amazing spice indeed. Yet a lot of people are still using overly processed granulated powder instead of deliciously-healthy fresh cloves of garlic.

Most people love the taste of fresh garlic but admit that its simply too messy to work with.  Until recently you could either smash it with a knife and then try to pick the skins out of the smashed cloves— Or painstakingly pick and peel with your fingers only to ultimately miss a few skins and leave your hands smelling like garlic.

With the JellyDish Garlic Peeler you simply place cloves in the dish and "twist-n-pinch" the skins off. The skins come off easily without breaking the cloves, making it perfect for sous chefs to prepare garlic for use later. The squishy nature of the FDA grade material causes the tiny little bits of skins "the mess" to cling to it and stay in the bowl rather than get all over the work area. You can then snap-off the skins off into the garbage and use the dish to keep the peeled cloves in until you are ready to use them.