About Us

KD Designs was founded in 2005. Our main focus is on natural stones and simple, classic designs. We like to keep the focus on the natural stone itself in our designs.

We are a mother/daughter team (Kara and Danielle - thus the "KD" in "KD Designs"). Danielle is attending Loyola University in Chicago, but is still making her wire-wrapped rings! We just send a lot of packages back and forth to make it work (and sometimes she is lucky enough to get cookies in her package too . . . not just wire and buttons!).

We were first able to grow our business through our success at various Farmer's Markets . . . with a special place in our heart for the Haymarket Farmer's Market in Lincoln, NE! 

In 2013 we opened a retail store in the newly developed Railyard area down in the Haymarket! You will find us inside the Public Market seven days a week! We also travel across the United States to attend some of the largest retail and wholesale shows in the country.

You can also follow us on Facebook ("KD Designs Jewelry") to keep up with our latest new products and events!

Thank you for your interest in KD Designs!

Kara & Danielle