About Us
We provide seed corn companies with a phenomenal labor force, while providing teens a hardcore work experience and opportunities to develop leadership skills. We seek not only to impact their lives but also the community around us, and we're the only detasseling company ever to have received the prestigious Better Business Bureau Integrity Award.
Detasseling is a great place for teens to start building work ethic, learn how to handle their own money, and prepare themselves for challenges ahead. Many teens make detasseling a summer tradition in order to build their car funds or college savings accounts. Detasseling with NATS ensures that you'll have a company that really cares about its workers, as well as having supervisors who will be great role models. Workers must be at least 5'2" and 13 years old by July lst.
Dawn Buell, a graduate of UNL Teacher's College, started NATS Detasseling back in 1998. Although detasseling is only a summer job for teens, Dawn views her business as a year-round commitment to her employees. She actively seeks out scholarships that they are eligible for, including the LIBA scholarship. In 2011, two of the eleven winners were NATS workers!
As a home educator who has graduated four high schoolers so far, Dawn knows the importance that a good reference letter and an excellent ACT score can have on a teen's future. Her own daughters have been the recipients of numerous scholarships, including a Regent's to UNL. Her recent reference letters on behalf of her employees have been successful in helping students get job offers from a wide variety of institutions, including the Lincoln Police Department, as well as gaining students access to higher education, including the UNL College of Law.
In addition to serving her employees, Dawn also engages the community around her, both at home and overseas, to find projects for her company. For every acre that NATS workers cover, she donates $1 to a worthy cause. Past recipients have included Lincoln's City Impact, as well as establishing a feeding program for 100 impoverished youth living in the slums of Bangalore, India.
To find out more about why so many parents and teens choose NATS, read through the Frequently Asked Questions at www.notafraidtosweat.com, as well as the testimonies of many workers.