Elina Organic Mermaid Elixir


This is an all-around crowd-pleaser moisturizer. Mermaid Elixir is light enough for oily complexion, but yet hydrating enough for dry complexion, and at the same time will help to prevent and treat acne! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6c/1/16/2764.png

You are sure to glow like a mermaid with this dazzling cream!

This is an all-around crowd-pleaser moisturizer. Mermaid Elixir is light enough for oily complexion, but yet hydrating enough for dry complexion, and at the same time will help to prevent and treat acne!  You are sure to glow like a mermaid with this dazzling cream!



In Stock at PURE
Date Added 2019-01-02
Product Id 10455126