Referral Success 101 Workshop



Are you getting all the referrals you want for your business? Do you get referrals predictably and consistently or by chance?

Business owners understand the value of referrals but they don't often have control over their referral business. Referral marketing is the most effective form of marketing for businesses with limited marketing budgets. If you are willing to invest the time to learn specific referral marketing strategies, tools, and techniques you can double, even triple your sales in months without spending additional marketing dollars.

Attend a two hour class on how to make referral marketing work for your business. If you don't have a referral marketing plan for your business, this session is a must! You will learn how to develop a strategic referral network, who should be in it, how to find them, and how to motivate those people to refer business to you.

This class will open your eyes to the possibilities of generating more sales in less time by doing business by relationship. Unless you can find more time and work harder than you already are, you can't afford to miss this class. You will learn some specific techniques that will enable you to really work smarter, not harder.

Dates and More Info

Price: $69.00


Date Added 2012-05-09
Product Id 10055767