Issue three is out and we are in additional locations. Pick up your issue of Shop Nebraska Magazine highlighting Nebraska City. Issue 4 will... Read More
Thank you Shop Nebraska!! Had a new customer call me the other day and set an appointment for a haircut and shave and they saw my ad in the... Read More
Check Out This Shop Nebraska Magazine Special!
Issue Three out March/April
Purchase a 1/4 page ad for $299.00 receive a 1/4 ad space for FREE!!
Shop Nebraska Magazine is a Bi-Monthly, statewide magazine that has a current paper distribution of 14,000 copies in over 290 locations and our online magazine. We are looking to showcase products and services based in Nebraska. If your company was formed in Nebraska, we are looking for you to be included in our magazine. Additional information and our online magazine can be found at The special is valid through 2/10/2015 which is the deadline for ads for our next issue. Please give us a call at 402-413-9918 for more information about ad pricing or questions.
After being in your publication for only one time, I had a couple come in looking for a hot tub from Dorchester, NE. It was so great to learn... Read More