Shop Nebraska

Local Entrepreneur
9 years ago

As many have read on our posts on facebook, SHOP NEBRASKA is one of advertising resources and is the BEST. We have had people see the pictures in the magazine and travel MANY MILES AND ACCROSS MANY COUNTY'S IN NEBRASKA to visit another Home. A couple purchased a red settee by seeing it advertised, another gal picked up the magazine and shopped all the Lincoln businesses. We have become her place to visit after she purchased some chairs that she had been looking for. THANKS, SHOP NEBRASKA & BUY LINCOLN for your great advertising resource. IT'S WORKING-REACHING OUT TO PEOPLE ACCROSS NEBRASKA & THE LINCOLN AREA. Susan-Another Home-5221 S 48th St #12, Lincoln, NE 68516 Phone:(402) 488-4404

Patty Kreifels
10 years ago

Issue three is out and we are in additional locations. Pick up your issue of Shop Nebraska Magazine highlighting Nebraska City. Issue 4 will be highlighting Seward NE-The 4th of July City!!

Local Entrepreneur
10 years ago

Thank you Shop Nebraska!! Had a new customer call me the other day and set an appointment for a haircut and shave and they saw my ad in the magazine. Great Job on the magazine!

Deb Christ
10 years ago

After being in your publication for only one time, I had a couple come in looking for a hot tub from Dorchester, NE. It was so great to learn where they heard about us. Keep up the great work with such a quality publication. Deb Christ Home Innovations Spas

Party Inflators
10 years ago

From Party Inflators I got a call last week for a lady in St. Paul Nebraska asking me about renting some of my equipment for her sons birthday. I asked her how she heard about me and she said through the Shop Nebraska Magazine. I said but the magazine in not in St. Paul yet how did you get the magazine. She said she was in Aurora that afternoon shopping and picked one up. So I called Roger who was out finding new locations along Hwy 34 that day and he said I was in Aurora two hours ago, WOW that is amazing he said. Just wanted you guys to know it works and thank you. Scott Neal owner of Party Inflators in Lincoln.

10 years ago

Thanks to Shop Nebraska Magazine, I got a call from a potential client in Kansas who picked up the magazine in Nebraska City. Amazing the reach the magazine has, crossing into other states! Tony Lawhorne-Lawhorne Design