About Us
The Nia Technique – New to Lincoln, at the Trade Center.
What is Nia?
Nia is a creative, expressive, mindful approach to movement and fitness. Based on philosophies and techniques from the martial arts, dance arts, and healing arts, Nia touches all the bases for a body-mind-spirit class. Following its own philosophy of the Body’s Way, Nia is built on a collection of 52 moves that activate the base, the core, and the upper extremities of the body. A combination of yin, soft, rounded movement, and yang, sharp punches, blocks and kicks, gets the body moving in a balanced and sustainable way. Sounding throughout the class adds an additional dimension, as well as time moving on the floor at the end of the class. Always taught with a focus, the Nia class is one hour long.
Nia is incredibly adaptable and suitable for people of all ages, with all levels of ability. Done barefooted, the movements are low impact and highly beneficial to the joints and muscles of the body. The technique packs a big punch for fitness enthusiasts as well, challenging flexibility, agility, mobility, stability and strength. The class is built on 7 cycles, providing a simple path to a movement experience that is relaxing, energizing, strengthening and healing all at the same time.
Nia gets its inspiration from the music that crafts the routines. Eclectic and textured, the music is integral to the patterning and energizing of the moves. Students report a meditation quality to the class as their attention is taken entirely by the sounds and the movement. Often soul stirring, the music supports artistic and emotional expression. Led by trained and licensed teachers, the class is guided by the music through form and freedom, including choreography and free form dance. Teachers share their own joy of movement, inspiring the same in their students.
Founded in California, the Nia Technique is now headquartered in Portland, OR. Holly Nastasi, one of the Nia Training Faculty, relocated to Lincoln last year from Santa Fe, NM. Holly brings 20 years experience as a teacher and trainer in the technique to the launching of StudioNia Lincoln, helping grow Nia in Lincoln. Now a team of three active teachers offer a program of classes at StudioNia Lincoln and at Prairie Life Fitness. For more information visit www.NiaNow.com and www.studionialincoln.com.