About Us

  Tracy’s Fast Track Option is a process created to provide you   with the outstanding collision service we customarily deliver,   at an accelerated pace.

How It Works
  You can leave your vehicle for repairs without scheduling a   preliminary visit for an estimate to be written. We will arrange   transportation for you, providing shuttle service or by securing   a rental car. Within one business day we will provide a final   bill repair plan to you and if applicable to the insurance   company paying for the damages.

The Benefit To You
  By eliminating the initial estimating trip, you save an   unnecessary trip to the shop. Your vehicle will move into the   repair process more quickly. And with a complete repair plan   being prepared, stoppages in the repair process will be   reduced and your repaired vehicle will be returned to you   faster. This is the most effective process to find pricing   options for customers who are for paying repairs out of their   own pocket.

  No short cuts will be taken during the repair process; the   timesavings are gained in the planning stages.