About Us
We’re in your neighborhood.Visit us at any of our 15 convenient locations across town.
Call us at 402-464-7447 to learn more about our free citywide pickup and delivery services. For your convenience, we offer pickup and delivery services at the following Hy-Vee locations:
5020 N. 27th - (402) 477-4764
6001 Village Drive - (402) 421-2462
5010 O Street - (402) 483-7707
2343 N. 84th Street - (402) 467-5505
Proud to serve Lincoln for over five decades.
Williams Cleaners was founded by Frank Williams and opened in September of 1953.
Ron and Sharon Strough purchased Williams Cleaners in 1972, and in 2000, they turned the business over to their daughters Debora Barton and Terri Winter and their son-in-law Dave Winter. Terri and Dave’s son Tom and his wife Amber are the next generation to work in the family business.
Over the years, Williams Cleaners has seen many changes in the dry cleaning industry, but one thing that has remained is our commitment to the community. A family-owned and locally operated business for more than 50 years, Williams Cleaners gives Lincoln excellent service from years of experience.
All of us at Williams Cleaners would like to thank the most important people to our business . . . our customers! Throughout the years, you have been a part of our history, and we truly appreciate your loyalty and patronage.