Women in Sales and Business in Lincoln
On November 13 at 9:10 PM
You are invited to our Women in Philanthropy Networking Join us for a fun evening of networking and a chance to taste unique wines at Bin 105. Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 105 N 8th Street #101 Lincoln, NE 68508 Follow this link to register: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e9tswmdlead54b40&llr=ebfqefcab

Women in Sales and Business in Lincoln
On October 22 at 7:44 PM
WISB members and friends who are interested in learning more about how to become empowered to fight back against DEBT: Thursday night's presentation at the Home Instead Education and Life ENRICHment Center at 8001 S. 15th has been RESCHEDULED from 10/23 to TUESDAY night 10/28 from 7:00-8:30pm. Requests for more information can be directed to Katy Ramos at 402-314-7970. Hope to see you there!

Women in Sales and Business in Lincoln
On October 17 at 7:57 AM
Homestead Rehabilitation Center—now offering complimentary massage during your therapy stay—invites the public to an Open House and Ribbon Cutting Thursday, October 23, 4:00 to 6:00 pm at 4735 S 54th Streets Lincoln NE. https://homesteadrehab.com/

Women in Sales and Business in Lincoln
On September 29 at 7:50 PM
The NOVA Business and Professional Women Fall Leadership Festival is Thursday, Oct 16th. We have attached the Fall Leadership Festival Flier to this e-mail. Please forward the flier to all the amazing women who you know. You can register for the event on our new website: http://novabpw.wix.com/nova-bpw. Like NOVA BPW on Facebook; please share the Fall Festival event with your Facebook friends!

Women in Sales and Business in Lincoln
On September 25 at 9:04 PM
Nancy Intermill is happy to announce her new blog, which you can read at www.aginggracefullynow.com. Please feel free to comment, ask questions, suggest topics and share with your friends!

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